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Women Game-Changers in Technology

1. Ada Lovelace: The World’s First Computer Programmer Ada Lovelace was a mathematician and a writer, born on December 10th, 1815, in...

Sexual Discrimination in Marriage

Marriage has not always been a process of uniting two individuals for the sake of love. The institution of marriage has been around since...

Unrealistic Beauty Standards In Asia

Background For many years across Asian countries, people have been pressured into unrealistic, societal beauty standards. Social media...

Islamic Feminism and its Impact

For years, Muslim women have been taught to believe that they could only choose between practicing their religion and advocating for...

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment: What does it look like? Sexual harassment is blatant sexual or sexually suggestive behavior in the form of unsolicited...

Types of Feminism

Many believe that feminism is a simple movement that advocates for women’s rights, when in reality there are various kinds of feminism...

The Flaws in the Arguments of Antifeminists

58% of people in the world identify as a feminist. So that means the other 42% don’t believe in gender equality, right? Well, not...

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